Thursday, February 28, 2013


For this assignment, we had to use objects at certain angles to create the letters of the alphabet. I chose to put some Q-tips at certains angles. The examples that I was shown was what inspired me the most. If I had a chance to do it again, I wouldn't do anything different. This is because I'm proud with the outcome, it looks like the letters of the alphabet because of the way I put them together.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Red Office Chair

For this assignment, we had to choose a picture of a 3D chair. When we found out which one we were going to use, we had to choose artwork from our own work or from the internet. I chose one from my own work. Then we had to warp the artwork and make it look like an actual chair, that has a shadow to it, and add a background to it. I tried to play with the warp tool to try to make it look realistic. Once when I was done with that, I worked with the background. I just chose this wallpaper design and used that for the wall (hint the name wallpaper). Then I worked with the floor. I ended up choosing wood flooring because it went better with the wallpaper than all of the other flooring I tried. All of these examples that my teacher showed me inspired me. I wouldn't do anything different next time because im proud of the outcome. This is because it looks like an actual chair with all the curves and everything. Plus, the design in the back looks like it could be an actual design too.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Genoa Chair

For this assignment we had to pick this 3D chair and warp it with out own artwork or someone elses. I chose to use my own. Then we had to add a shadow of the actual chair which turned out to be really simple. I just followed my teachers instructions on how to make the shadow in Photoshop. The thing that inspired me the most was just seeing all of the examples that my teacher showed me. It made me to actually want to do my best. I liked the outcome of the chair. It looks like it could be an actual chair. I wouldnt do anything different next time.


For this assignment we had to make a comic. The pictures that we used to outline the actual comic strips had to be pictures that we took ourselves. They couldnt be off the internet. I chose to try to do a funny comic. Next time, I would try to make it funnier. It just isnt that funny to me but I tried my best with it in the amount of time we had.