Monday, April 22, 2013

Image That Appeals To Me

This image is called Dashashwemedh Road, Varanasi, India. It appeals to me because it captures a lot of details of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The photographer, Robert Polidori, used Photoshop to put a couple pictures together to make it look like one single image. He was trying to create one image that captured the crumbling buildings, abandoned control rooms at the nuclear plant, and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Monday, April 15, 2013


For this assignment, we had to take our original pictures and make something out of them. I just took a bunch of my pictures and put them all together to make a different scene again. Like my other authentic project, I started with the picture of myself and deleted the background. Next time, I wouldnt do anything different. This is because im proud of the outcome because it all looks like an original picture.


For this assignment, we had to use pictures that are our own and make something out of them. I just took a bunch of them and added them together to create a new scene. First I started with the picture of myself, I had to delete the original background of it. Then I put in the lockers, bricks, and stairs. I like the outcome of it all because of the fact that it looks like its all original, except a few flaws but every project is going to have a few flaws no matter what. Because of this, next time I wouldnt do anything different.