Monday, December 17, 2012

HDR Toning

For this project, we had to pick another magazine example and try it out on one of our pictures. I followed the directions step by step, which wasn't that easy bc i couldn't find most of the stuff that they told me to click on, but somehow I found all of them and finished. I am proud of the outcome. This is because it looks really good. I wouldn't do anything different next time.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Enhanced Bevel Effects

For this assignment, we had to do a project on one of the examples in a magazine. I chose the example of the Enhanced Bevel Effects. We had to read in the magazine and do this project step by step. I am proud of the outcome. I wouldn't change anything about it next time.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Card

For this assignment, we had to make a Christmas card for the troops in  Afghanistan. I was inspired by all the troops fighting for us. I am satisfied with the outcome. This is because it just turned out to be great and it might make the troops a little happier.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


For this assignment, we had to make an advertisement. It had to look like an actual one that they put on billboards. I chose to do an advertisement on Twinkies (I think I was hungry at the time).  I love the outcome of this project. This is because it looks great and looks like an actual advertisement.