Thursday, October 25, 2012

Self Portrait

This assignment, we had to create a portrait of ourselves using 9 pictures. The pictures didn't have to be the same one, but you had to use a filter on the pictures. I used the same picture but copied it, until I got a total of 9 pictures. Then, I rotated some of them and filtered them. Im satisfied with the outcome. Because I'm satisfied, I wouldn't do anything different next time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life In Color

This assignment was to take three pictures and make one color stand out on each of the pictures. The color that you picked, had to be used in all three of the pictures. I chose sky blue because it was easy to find and I love the color blue.  I wouldn't do anything different next time. This is because I love the outcome of them. They look great, to me.

What Inspired Me 2

This painting is called Felled Trees On Woldgate and its by David Hockney. This painting inspired me because its different than any other painting. Usually paintings have the actual color of the stuff in it. This painting doesn't and it makes it unique to me. I want my paintings to be just as unique as this one.

What Inspired Me

This painting is called Kindred Spirits and its by Asher B. Durand. This painting inspired me because it looks really realistic. Also, it has so much detail! It looks great, I love everything about it. When I'm finished with all of my pictures, I want them to be as good as this painting.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Visual Puns

For this assignment, we had to pick four words that could mean something else, like Bookworm and Horsefly. First of all, I approached it by thinking what could also mean this? Then I just started working on all four and couldn't stop. I did the puns Horsefly, Bookworm, Butterfly, and Fan Club. What inspired me was just all the different ideas that you could do. I'm satisfied with the outcome on this project. This is because it all turned out good and looks great, to me anyways.